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Where I Run


Today’s post will be a few pictures from my long run last weekend.

I usually go out for my runs early in the morning before sunrise and run a couple laps around a jogging trail where I always see turtles, bunnies and beautiful red birds. Since these runs are usually 3 miles or so, I don’t mind running that loop a few times, but with longer runs I would go crazy seeing the same thing over and over with each mile.

Since I was doing 7 miles last weekend, I decided to do my 2 miles on the trail, then head out on the local roads once the sun began to rise.

I headed over to a local fishing pond and captured this picture as the sun was coming up.


As I continued along the fishing pond I saw a few ducks headed back to the water.


I looped around the pond and then continued on my run.

A few miles later I captured what has become one of my favorite pictures from my runs — a little red barn at sunrise. There was still some low fog in the area, but the sun was coming up and gave a nice glow on the grass.


I enjoy my short runs, but its my long runs that I really cherish.

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