Tag Archive | kettlebell

Gear I Love!!

Every so often I will be sharing some of my FAVORITE gear — whether it be supplements, clothing, running shoes…who knows what I will share to be honest. Everything will be running and/or workout related is all that I can promise.

Today I will feature kettlebells.


I have only been working with kettlebells for about a year, but have quickly grown to love them. Once you get the hang of the different movements, its really quite a fun, yet challenging workout.

Kettlebells are a cast iron weight with a single looped handle on top. Kettlebells come in a variety of weights, I personally use an 8lb version.

Kettlebells are great because it provides whole body fitness. Kettlebells require you to focus on whole-body conditioning because lifting and controlling a kettlebell forces the entire body, specifically the core, to contract as a group, building both strength and stability at the same time. Kettlebell workouts engage multiple muscle groups at once. Kettlebells are a great option for getting a whole body workout in a short time.

I personally use a Bob Harper kettlebell workout DVD, although there are many different ones on the market today, as well as many Fitness Centers offering classes using kettlebells.

Bottom line, a small piece of equipment that is versatile and I can do this workout at home — A+ option for me!


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